Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Second World Buddhist Forum blossoms in Wuxi

Wuxi Tour, Travel China - The Second World Buddhist Forum opened in the eastern Chinese city Wuxi on March 28 with more than 1,700 Buddhist monks and scholars from about 50 countries and regions gathering to discuss how Buddhism can contribute to building a harmonious world.

"Buddhism is a religion boasting openness and tolerance. When he founded the religion, Buddha advocated his moral position -- equality of all living beings as well as harmony and amicability," Du Qinglin, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), told the opening ceremony in the gigantic Buddhist Palace at Lingshan Mountain.

"We anticipate that world Buddhist circles will carry forward the spirit of 'harmony and synergy', manifest the qualities of mercy and compassion, reclaim people's souls and promote harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, humans and society, among people and within each
individual," said Du, who is also head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

He said the world faces the financial crisis, social contradictions, culture shock and environmental contamination.

He added: "To persist in 'harmony and synergy' and co-create harmony, we are called upon to depend on the people's welfare, hold high the banner of human progress and create promising conditions for world peace.

"We should respect diversity on the basis of equal treatment, strengthen mutual understanding through communications and achieve common progress while making up for each other's deficiencies," he said.

"The Chinese people have always unswervingly held high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, pursued a strategy of mutual benefit and win-win outcomes and actively developed international exchanges and cooperation," he said.

They have also "positively participated in coping with the financial crisis, committed themselves to promoting world economic growth and the progress of human civilization and worked with people across the world for harmony, lasting peace and common prosperity," he added.

The 11th Panchen Lama, Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu, delivered a speech in English at the forum, offering his views on building a harmonious world and urging people to do more good deeds and help others.

"Sutras tell us: Good is rewarded with good, evil with evil. We should now guide and encourage people with the law of causality to serve others with good deeds," he said.

"Only if we carry forward the philanthropic moral spirit, will everyone be guided to do good and not harm others; can everyone display love and mercy, benefit all sentient beings and protect the environment, so as to enable people to enjoy a harmonious and happy life," he said.

He also called for achieving harmony among different Buddhist sects.

"Different sects within Buddhism should respect each other and coexist in harmony," he said. "So Buddha Dharma can live on and flourish, we should foster more outstanding talent."

The 19-year-old Panchen Lama also thanked the central government for its "kindly" concern for and "powerful" patronage of the forum.

"This forum is convened in my country -- China, which has a Buddhist cultural tradition going back 2,000 years. This event fully demonstrates that today's China enjoys social harmony, stability and religious freedom. It also shows China is a nation that safeguards and promotes world peace."

During the five-day event, the participants will discuss how to better preserve Buddhist music and the Tripitaka, considered the encyclopedia of Buddhist culture. They will also talk about the relationship between Buddhism and science, public welfare, environmental protection and other topics.

Exhibits of Buddhist relics, porcelain, crafts, photos and calligraphy will be on display during the forum.

The forum, with the theme "A harmonious world, a synergy of conditions," was jointly organized by the Buddhist Association of China, the Buddha's Light International Association, the Hong Kong Buddhist Association and the China Religious Culture Communication Association.

The forum has been organized into two parts. The first is from March 28 to 29 in Wuxi. The participants will then go to Taipei on four direct charter flights on March 30, where the second part of the forum will be held from March 31 to April 1.

The arrangement is viewed as another sign of improved relations between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.

Buddhism was introduced into ancient China from India more than 2,000 years ago.

The First World Buddhist Forum, with the theme "A harmonious world begins in the mind," was held in the eastern Chinese cities of Hangzhou and Zhoushan in 2006. Statistics published at that time showed around 100 million Chinese, or one in every 13 Chinese, are Buddhist followers.
"This is the second time I came to China to attend the World Buddhist Forum, and I think China has really done a lot to promote Buddhism -- just look at the gigantic venue of the Buddha Palace," said Ven. Banagala Upatissa, president of the Mahabodhi Society of Sri Lanka.
"It's an open forum with participants from around the world. I hope I can have extensive exchanges with others on a wide range of topics in the following days, especially the spread of Buddhism in the world," he said.

(Source: China Culture)

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Monday, March 30, 2009

The Legend of Chinese Shadow Play

China culture, China Tours - Concerning origin of Chinese shadow play, there is a beautiful love story that has Liu Zhe, the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, who liked all kinds of entertainment and kept many artists in his palace. Among the musicians Li Yannian was the best. Not only was he good at playing all kinds of musical instruments, but also at improvising songs. One year the King of Qiuzi, a tribe in the northwest, came to present a tribute and at the reception banquet Li Yannian was ordered to give a performance where he sang about an exceeding beauty. All the people were fascinated and lost in the graceful scene he created. Later when someone reported to the Emperor Wu that Li's sister was such a beauty, the emperor was so pleased as to call her in. Finding she was pretty beyond description, he fell in love with her at first sight wherein she received great favor and gave birth to a son the next year.

But good times did not last long for she fell seriously ill afterwards. When the emperor visited her, she covered her face with a quilt and said, 'I hope your majesty can take good care of my brother and son for the sake of our past.' But she refused his request of taking a last look at her, 'A woman makes up to please her lover but I am not as good-looking as before and not dressed up. Please leave me as I am.' So finally the emperor went away disappointed. As explained to her maid she said, 'His majesty favors me because of my appearance. I'm no longer pretty with illness and he will forget all my goodness at my sight. But otherwise he'll remember me forever.'

After her death the emperor missed her so much that a necromancer was summoned to call back her spirit. Though his mind racked, the necromancer found no way to meet this expectation. In the evening when pacing up and down in his room, he saw his shadow reflected on the wall. Thus an idea was hit upon. He copied the concubine's picture onto a piece of leather and after coloring and cutting a lifelike silhouette was made. With all the details well prepared, Emperor Wu was invited to the room. From far away, he saw his concubine's silhouette came up slowly and gracefully, knelt down respectfully and remained there. Just as he was approaching, the necromancer stopped him and said the spirit needed a respectful distance. And hundreds of years later Pi Ying Xi was passed down from the descendants of the necromancer.

(Source: China Culture)

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Foreign tour groups sign up to visit Tibet

Tibet tour, China Tours - Tibet will allow overseas visitors starting April 5 after a month-long suspension, a tourism official in Lhasa has said.

"Tibet will start receiving foreign tourists as of April 5, and they will be warmly welcomed," Bachug, head of the Tibet tourism administration, told the Xinhua News Agency on Sunday.

"Foreign tourists were stopped from entering Tibet during March for safety reasons," Bachug said.

Tibet, which until half a century ago was ruled by a theocratic regime, celebrated its first Serfs' Emancipation Day on Saturday.

March 14 also marked the first anniversary of riots by the Dalai Lama's followers in the region's capital Lhasa, which left 18 civilians dead.

"There is no reason to worry Tibet is safe now," Bachug said.

"Travel agencies, tourist resorts and hotels are well prepared to receive foreign guests," he said, adding that "as usual, foreign tourists can visit Tibet only with organized tour groups".

So far, more than 100 foreign tour groups have registered to visit Tibet this year, he said.

An earlier Xinhua report said Tibet was entering "the best season for travel and will see a big increase in tourism" starting April.

The local tourism bureau estimates that tourists will increase by at least 30 percent from previous months.

Tourism has witnessed a boom since the launch of "tour Tibet in winter" by the bureau last year. In the first two months this year, the region reported a significant rise in the number of visitors, as many went there for the Spring Festival as well as the Tibetan New Year.

With more than 300 scenic spots, tourism is experiencing a slow but steady revival since the Lhasa riots last March and the catastrophic earthquake that hit its neighboring Sichuan province in May.

Only 2.28 million tourists visited last year, a drop of 44 percent year-on-year. Tourism revenue was also halved from 4.8 billion yuan ($702 million) in 2007 to about 2.25 billion yuan last year, according to Yu Yungui, deputy director of the tourism bureau.

Lhasa's iconic Potala Palace received 830,000 tourists and pilgrims in 2008, down 27 percent year-on-year, Champa Kesang, the bureau's management chief, said.

(Source: China Daily)

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Top 10 routes of ascetic China tours on foot| Kanas Nature Reserve Tour

Kanas Nature Reserve is located deep in the Altai Mountains, northern Xinjiang. Kanas Lake is the most important part of the Nature Reserve. It is also known as Hanasi with the meaning "beautiful and mysterious water" in Mongolian. Hanasi is shaped like a crescent, surrounded with mountains and thick virgin forest. The sunny part of the region is covered by dense grass, while large areas of wetlands and beaches of the bay coexist at north end of the lake delta zone. All kinds of plant grow here on the open ground and compose the beautiful secenery together with mountains and the water.

It's great beautiful of Hanasi's Autumn! Almost all the tourists traveled Kanas issued the same admiration. The unique forest stands by Hanasi Lake in the color of orange and golden yellow. And you can find mysterious Tuva villages hidden in the deep mountains.

Take on your back pack and set out from the Dahongyu Isle in north, travel along the attractions like Black Lake, Hemu village and finally arrive at Jiadengyu vally. It will take you 3 days for the whole on-foot trip. So you must have enough preparation of outdoor camping. You will taste the full beauty of Hanasi and experience hardship with pleasure of tour on foot.

(Source: http://www.chinatours.us.com/)

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Friday, March 6, 2009

Top 10 routes of ascetic tour on foot|Tiger Leaping Gorge|Trekking Tour

Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of the deepest canyon in China. It is located at Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County in Yunnan province. The Upper reaches of Yangtze river (or named Jinsha River) turns northward sharply here. So it is known as "the first bend of Yangtze".

Tiger Leaping Gorge is on the way from Lijiang to Shangri-La. Set out from Lijiang, it is about 3 hours' route by car. Turbulent Jinsha River flows through Shek Kwu town and turns to northward all of a sudden, then squeeze into the slit between Haba Snow Mountain and Yulong Snow Mountain. And Tiger Leaping Gorge is formed here at the narrowest spot of the spoectacular canyon. The gorge is named after local folk legend in which a tiger leaped over the Jinsha River by stepping on a huge stone in the river.

Carrying a backpack, walk alone the crowd of people talking in different languages, this is not in Manhattan of New York city, but the Tiger Leaping Gorge in Lijiang, one of the world well-known on-foot tour destination. The whole trip will be completed in 2 days. Though it is almost no threat to personal security, cragged terrain of the area increase the difficulty of travel on foot.

Related source:

Tiger Leaping Gorge on Youtube

Tiger Leaping Gorge on Flickr

Tiger Leaping Gorge on Wikipedia

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