Friday, March 6, 2009

Top 10 routes of ascetic tour on foot|Tiger Leaping Gorge|Trekking Tour

Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of the deepest canyon in China. It is located at Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County in Yunnan province. The Upper reaches of Yangtze river (or named Jinsha River) turns northward sharply here. So it is known as "the first bend of Yangtze".

Tiger Leaping Gorge is on the way from Lijiang to Shangri-La. Set out from Lijiang, it is about 3 hours' route by car. Turbulent Jinsha River flows through Shek Kwu town and turns to northward all of a sudden, then squeeze into the slit between Haba Snow Mountain and Yulong Snow Mountain. And Tiger Leaping Gorge is formed here at the narrowest spot of the spoectacular canyon. The gorge is named after local folk legend in which a tiger leaped over the Jinsha River by stepping on a huge stone in the river.

Carrying a backpack, walk alone the crowd of people talking in different languages, this is not in Manhattan of New York city, but the Tiger Leaping Gorge in Lijiang, one of the world well-known on-foot tour destination. The whole trip will be completed in 2 days. Though it is almost no threat to personal security, cragged terrain of the area increase the difficulty of travel on foot.

Related source:

Tiger Leaping Gorge on Youtube

Tiger Leaping Gorge on Flickr

Tiger Leaping Gorge on Wikipedia

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