Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hoh Xil (Ke ke xi li) no man's land opens to visitors

Hoh Xil tour, ecotourism, Hoh Xil ecotourism, no man's land of Hoh Xil, China plateau ecosystem tour, China tour, China plateau tour.

Hoh Xil (Kekexili) is located in the vast and fantastic "no man's land" of Qinghai Province, China. At present, Hoh Xil is offically announced to open to the public. For the aim of original ecological environment protection, people take eco-tour to Hoh Xil has a limit on tourists number of less than one thousand a year. Within 5 to 6 days, tourists will be organised to travel along the arena, enjoy the sight of mysterious jokul, grassland, rare wild animals and participate in various environmental protection activities.

Known as "the Animal Kingdom", Hoh Xil is one of the regions where original ecological environment has been most perfect preserved on the world. Its rare source of China plateau ecosystem has irreplaceable ecological value and tourism value. In particular, plateau grasslands, desertification, wetlands, and wildlife ecosystems make up of the unique landscape of Hoh Xil.

It is understood that visitors will be request of medical certificate and taking a medical examination in application procedure. Appliers who have hypertension and some other diseases are not be allowed to enter tour areana. At the same time, tourists allowed accessing to Hoh Xil must comply with relevant regulations of environmental protection.

(Source: chinatours.us.com)

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